The Friars in procession
The Friars in procession during the Mass of Final profession, Silver Jubilee anniversary, and the celebration of the 40 years of the presence of the Capuchins in Nigeria. September 28th, 2024.
Three Friars for Final Profession 2024
The Three Friars in procession during the Mass of their Final profession. September 28th, 2024.
St. Pio Choir.
The Friars singing during the Mass of temporary profession. 2024.
Procession, 2023.
The Friars in procession during the Mass of Final profession, Silver Jubilee anniversary, and the celebration of the 40 years of the presence of the Capuchins in Nigeria. September 28th, 2024.
Profession, 2023.
The Friars in procession during the Mass of Final profession, Silver Jubilee anniversary, and the celebration of the 40 years of the presence of the Capuchins in Nigeria. September 28th, 2024.
The Procession of the Mass of Final profession. September 28th, 2024.
Litany of the Saints, 2024
The Ordinands prostrates during the invocation of the Saints during the Mass of their Ordination, 2024.
With the Bishop
Group picture after the Mass. 2024
Papal Blessing
Friar Adolphus Nwandu receiving the Papal Blessing from the Bishop during the Mass of the silver jubilee anniversary of his priestly ordination, together with the Mass of Ordination of 7 deacons and 3 Priests. August 17th, 2024.
After Sports
The Brothers After Sports. St. Pio Friary Ibadan
Retreat 2023
The Friars Pose for a group picture after the retreat. 2023.
First Profession 2023.
First Profession 2023
First Profession 2023
First Profession 2023
The New Deacons, 2023
The newly ordained deacons officiating with the Bishop during the Mass of their Ordination, 2023.
Ordination 2023
The Ordinands greeting the congregation during the Mass of their Ordination, 2023.
Cutting of the Cake, 2023
Friar Kingsley N. Onah (left), Friar Anthony Brown (center) and the Custos cutting the Cake. 2023.
Profession, 2023
Friar Kingsley N. Onah professing his Final Vows. 2023
Final Profession 2023.
Blessing of the Finally professed Friar by the Custos. 2023.
The Brothers performing on the stage.
The day of Consecrated Life, 2023.
The Friars at work. St. Pio Friary Ibadan
Group Picture with The Archbishop
The friars pose to take a group Picture with the Archbishop during the 9th Ordinary Chapter 2022
The Archbishop Addressing the Friars
From the left, Guardian St. Mary of The Angels Friary Okokhuo, Outgoing Custos, The Archbishop Addressing The Friars, and Provincial Minister in the 9th Ordinary Chapter 2022.
2022 Feast of Our Holy Father St. Francis of Assisi
The Capuchin Friars, Dominican Friars,Carmelite Friars, Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, other religious Sisters and the worshiping community of St. Pio Friary, Ibadan pose for a group picture during the celebration of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi 4th October 2022.
Litany of the Saints during the 2022 Ordination
The candidates to be ordained Priests and Deacons lying prostrate on the floor during the invocation of the Saints
Greeting of the Finally Professed Friars
The finally professed Friars greeting the congregation after their Profession
The Cutting of the Cake
The Silver Jubilee celebrants joyfully Cutting the Cake after the Mass.
Cutting of the Cake
The Finally Professed Friars joyfully Cutting the Cake after the Mass of their Profession.
The heartfelt embrace
The Friars embracing the Friars who celebrates the Silver Jubilee of their First Profession.
Silver Jubilee
The Silver Jubilee Celebrants
The heartfelt embrace of the Finally Professed Friars
The Friars welcoming the Finally professed Friars into the Order with a warm heartfelt embrace.
The Profession
The Profession of one of the Candidates. The Friar offers himself finally to God, Glory to God!
Litany of the Saints
The Friars to be Professed lying down during the chanting of the Litany of the Franciscan Saints
The Candidates for Final Profession
The Friars to be professed lined up for their final confirmation before the profession.
The Entrance Procession
The Entrance Procession during the 2022 Final Profession and Silver jubilee celebration of the First Profession of some Friars.
Ordination 2022 5
The Bishop and the newly ordained Deacons, after the Mass.
Ordination 2022 4
The newly ordained Priests and Deacons greeting the congregation.
Ordination 2022 3
The candidates to be ordained Deacons
Ordination 2022 2
The candidates to be ordained priests
Ordination 2022 1
The entrance procession during the Mass of the Priestly and Diaconate Ordination 2022
Exchange of pleasantries
General Minister, Friar Roberto Genuin, OFM Cap, and the Definitor for Africa, Friar Kilian Ngitir OFM Cap, exchange pleasantries after their "coronation.
Selfie with the General Minister
The friars at St. Francis and St. Clare Friary, Ridgeway, Enugu State, pose for a selfie with the General Minister, Friar Roberto Genuin, OFM Cap, who visited with the Definitor for Africa, Friar Kilian Ngitir OFM Cap.
8th Ordinary Chapter: Group Photo
The Capitulars pose for a group photograph at the conclusion of the 8th Ordinary Chapter. Glory to God!!!
8th Ordinary Chapter: Custos and New Council
Provincial Minister poses with the returning Custos and his newly elected council members.
8th Ordinary Chapter: Procession
The Capitulars (brothers) process to the Chapter hall while singing 'Veni Creator Spiritus'.
Perpetual Profession 2019 -2
The perpetually professed brothers with priests, religious, and servers after the Mass.
Perpetual Profession 2019
The perpetually professed with the cross-section of priests in attendance.
First Profession: Group Picture
The Newly Professed brothers with their brothers and Novice Director (front-middle).
Newly Professed Brothers
Newly Professed brothers with priests and servers after the Mass.
The Newly Ordained and the Friars
The Newly Ordained pose with the friars.
Br. Kingsley Ezeanubekwe blesses!
Br. Kingsley Ezeanubekwe blesses his extended family during the Mass of Thanksgiving.
The Consultation.
The Newly Ordained consult each other during the Mass of Thanksgiving.
Group Photo Before the Mass
Concelebrating priests with the celebrant before the Mass.
The Newly Ordained
Reverend Fathers Kingsley Ezeanubekwe OFMCap and George Oguejiofor pose just before the commencement of their Mass of Thanksgiving.
Cultural Display...in the rain
Cultural Dancers defy the rain while entertaining people after the ordination
Ordination Group Pictures
The Newly Ordained with the Ordaining Bishop, Bishop Ernest Obodo, and other Priests.
The Newly Ordained blesses his Parents
The Newly Ordained blesses his parents.
Ordination 3
The Newly Ordained blesses the Capuchin Custodian and his councillors.
Ordination 2
The Bishop anoints the palms of the Newly Ordained Priest
Diaconate ordination
2018 DIACONATE ORDINATION of Br. Kingsley Ezeanubekwe which held at Holy Trinity Basilica, Onitsha on Saturday, 22nd of December, 2018.
Cross-section of friars at the event
A cross-section of friars at the ordination: (L-R) Brs Ikechukwu Monyei, Fidelis Pabor, Chinedu Nwachukwu, Newly Ordained, Godwin Igbokwe, Emmanuel Idakwo, Francis Eze, Kyrian Godwin, Adolphus Nwandu, and Tarasius Anyamene (center).
The newly ordained, Br. Kingsley Ezeanubekwe with the Custodian, Br. James Okafor, and his director, Br. Michael Nkwocha after the ordination
The newly ordained, Br. Kingsley Ezeanubekwe with the Custodian, Br. James Okafor, and his director, Br. Michael Nkwocha after the ordination
Archbishop receives the promises of chastity, celibacy, and poverty from Br. Kingsley.
Kiss of peace
Archbishop Valerian Okeke embraces the newly ordained as a fatherly and fraternal gesture.
ministerial duty
Rev. Kingsley, carrying out his ministerial duty during the Mass.
Cutting of cake
The newly ordained cuts a celebration cake with a colleague during the reception after the Mass.
with some members of the Capuchin Ridgeway worshiping community
The newly ordained with some members of the Capuchin Ridgeway worshiping community (Enugu)
The newly ordained with some former Capuchin brothers
The newly ordained poses for a picture with some former Capuchin brothers.
To the praise and glory of God the Almighty, the General Chapter has elected a new General Minister in the person of Friar Roberto Genuin OFMCap. We pray that God would bless him with the strength, wisdom and charisma needed to serve his brothers according to the mind of our Seraphic Father St. Francis.
The brothers who just took their first profession of vows after completing their one-year novitiate experience. The event took place on 11th August, 2018 at St.Mary of the Angels, Okokhuo, Edo state.
The newly professed brothers and cross-section of those who attended the ceremony.
The newly perpetually professed brothers with a cross-section of those who concelebrated or assisted at the Mass which took place on 14th July, 2018 at St. Francis and St. Clare Friary, Ridgeway, Enugu.
The chief-celebrant of the profession Mass, the Provincial, takes a snapshot with the newly perpetually professed brothers.
The brothers snap a photograph with the Custodian, Br. James Okafor.
The Guardian of the community with the newly perpetually professed brothers.
After the Mass, the brothers take snapshots with the their Director, Br. Michael Nwkocha.
As they come forward in thanksgiving procession, the newly professed dig it down on the floor while they are supported by brothers, family and friends.
The perpetually professed brothers present exchange hugs with the newly perpetually professed as a sign of peace and fraternity.
Br. Timothy Odoh pronounces his vows to forever be a Capuchin in the service of God, of the Church and of all people.
Br. Chijioke pronounces his vows to live in obedience, without property and in chastity all the days of his life!
Br. Chinedu Nwachukwu pronouncing the vows into the hands of the Provincial in the presence of the Custodian and Councillor as witnesses.
The brothers prostrate themselves while everyone present invokes the intercession of all the saints upon them.
The Provincial Minister, Valero Mauro, delivering a very inspiring homily.