Capuchin Franciscan Friary, 2B Oranyan Road (Along Oduduwa Rd.), P.O. Box 1407, Apapa Lagos.
St. Joseph, Husband of Mary Friary,
Apapa, Lagos
The story of the Capuchin fraternity of Lagos began with the last Will and Testament of Miss Olabisi Pearce dated 1997.
The late Miss Pearce was a benefactress to our late Br. Joseph NkeosekwuItabor before ever he became a friar. She bequeathed half of a twin duplex located at 2b Oranyan Road, Apapa, Lagos, to the order.
At first, this property was used by the brothers in transit, but in July 2002, the order began a canonical application to the archdiocese of Lagos for the formal establishment of the order in the local church.
After a long process, the then archbishop of Lagos, Most Rev. Dr. Anthony Okogie, gave a positive response with his letter of February 5, 2003. The first little community of three began their fraternal life there on March 29, 2003.