DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU. -A Reflection By Friar Chibuike Callistus
His mother said to the servants “Do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5). At the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee, the wine ran out; the couples are about to be disgraced and Mary, sensing trouble, intervened even without being told, and Christ seemed to have hesitated to remedy the situation before answering her plea. In this little story, we learn three basic lessons. First, loving compassion towards one’s neighbor without being asked or seeking anything in return, second, perseverance in prayer, and third, docile obedience to the voice of God. Like mother Mary, dearest brothers and sisters, let us reflect on how to be compassionate and loving towards one another. Sometimes it may seem hard because of the lack of receptiveness on the part of the person being loved but let us not loose heart or give up, for love begets love.
Second, in imitation of Mary let us not loose heart in loving prayer. Sometimes it may seem useless to raise one’s heart and mind to the divine master, it may even seem as though “God has grown cold-hearted towards us.” This is far from the truth about our loving and merciful God so, let us not give up even if the petition seems impossible.
Finally, beloved brothers and sisters, let us learn and reflect on how to acquire the virtue of docile obedience. In the bible passage, it seems as though Mary disregarded the voice of God the Son when he said “my time has not yet come” however that was not the case. As a loving mother, she knew her son and Christ, in turn, simply showed love, and care for, and was obedient to his blessed mother. And so, when “Mary said to the servants 'do whatever he tells you',” they obeyed with trust in the words of Mary and Jesus. We too ought to be loving servants of the divine master, and from time to time, we hear his voice in various ways, and through different means his voices echoes in our hearts. For instance, in and through our fellow loving brothers and sisters, as well as in and through those placed as authorities over us. These are instruments of his kindness and love. And so, let us meditate on how to better follow his voice even if what is asked of us seems impossible, senseless, and repulsive. Let us learn to lower our ego, the “I”, for who could have believed that water can be transformed into wine. In conclusion I humbly pray, through the intercession of Mary, that in obeying the voice of God, in being compassionate towards one another and in persevering prayer, that the tasteless recesses of our souls be transformed into the sweet wine coming out from the vine of Christ. Amen.
Mary Mother Most Lovable. Pray for us.
Second, in imitation of Mary let us not loose heart in loving prayer. Sometimes it may seem useless to raise one’s heart and mind to the divine master, it may even seem as though “God has grown cold-hearted towards us.” This is far from the truth about our loving and merciful God so, let us not give up even if the petition seems impossible.
Finally, beloved brothers and sisters, let us learn and reflect on how to acquire the virtue of docile obedience. In the bible passage, it seems as though Mary disregarded the voice of God the Son when he said “my time has not yet come” however that was not the case. As a loving mother, she knew her son and Christ, in turn, simply showed love, and care for, and was obedient to his blessed mother. And so, when “Mary said to the servants 'do whatever he tells you',” they obeyed with trust in the words of Mary and Jesus. We too ought to be loving servants of the divine master, and from time to time, we hear his voice in various ways, and through different means his voices echoes in our hearts. For instance, in and through our fellow loving brothers and sisters, as well as in and through those placed as authorities over us. These are instruments of his kindness and love. And so, let us meditate on how to better follow his voice even if what is asked of us seems impossible, senseless, and repulsive. Let us learn to lower our ego, the “I”, for who could have believed that water can be transformed into wine. In conclusion I humbly pray, through the intercession of Mary, that in obeying the voice of God, in being compassionate towards one another and in persevering prayer, that the tasteless recesses of our souls be transformed into the sweet wine coming out from the vine of Christ. Amen.
Mary Mother Most Lovable. Pray for us.